Ready to reduce the carbon footprint of your digital advertising?

Ready to reduce the carbon footprint of your digital advertising?

The time for excuses is over. Research has shown there are now simple ways to reduce the carbon footprint of advertising and reap the rewards. While there isn’t a single solution, these easy changes have seen brands reduce their carbon emissions by 60% or more, and now you can too, not just for the planet but for your bottom line and business too:

- Fulfil the sustainability promises your board has made for your business

- Demonstrate to your staff you mean business

- Show your customers and industry that you’re making an immediate impact

- Save thousands in wasted media in your marketing budget

Here’s how you could save up to 63%* off your next digital campaign.

1. Target Relevant Audiences: Whitelisting websites and subdomains has come full circle with its ability to deliver ads to users who are genuinely interested. For example: placing sports ads within sporting content is more likely to gain higher attention. Energy consumption is reduced from wasted ad impressions where ads are broadly placed looking for clickable opportunities.

2. Encourage User Engagement by Optimising towards higher Attention levels: Is your audience engaging with your advertising and how would you know? Ads that require a degree of user interaction have a better chance of capturing attention. This can then lead to increased time viewing the ad creating a new metric ‘Attention Time’. By focusing on ‘Attention Time’ it is possible to increase brand outcomes including awareness, recall, consideration, and purchase intent.

* All these strategies have shown carbon reduction (by an estimated 63%) as articulated in this article *Playground xyz. (2023). Sustainable Attention: How brands can optimise towards Attention Time to reduce their carbon footprint, Scope3.

Let’s work towards a 63% reduction for you too – right now.

Want us to create a digital campaign right now for you with savings like this? Let’s talk. Our promise? It will cost no more than a conventional campaign – but the sustainability and business benefits are huge.

Book a FREE 30 min call now.

Not ready to call us yet? Here’s what else you can do:

Brands can optimise digital advertising to reduce their carbon footprint through various strategies and sustainable practices. Carbon reductions in marketing has seen brands reduce their carbon emissions by 60% or more. Here are some effective ways to achieve this:

1. Choose Renewable Energy Hosting & Support Sustainable Publishers and Platforms: Select web hosting services and data centres that use renewable energy sources like solar, wind, or hydroelectric power. Partner with publishers and platforms that prioritize sustainability and environmentally friendly practices. This choice helps ensure that the energy used to deliver ads is coming from sustainable sources, reducing the carbon footprint associated with data processing and storage.

2. Implement Ad Optimization Techniques: Optimize your digital ads to reduce file size without compromising on quality. Smaller ad sizes lead to quicker loading times, which reduces the energy required to serve the ads. Compressed images, videos, and other media formats can significantly improve the overall efficiency of your advertising campaigns.

3. Use AI-Driven Optimisation: Leverage artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to optimize ad delivery and targeting. AI can analyse vast amounts of data to make real-time decisions about ad placements, timing, and targeting, leading to more efficient campaigns.

4. Implement Frequency Capping: Limit the number of times an individual user sees the same ad within a specific time frame. Frequency capping prevents excessive ad exposure, reduces ad fatigue, and minimizes energy use.

Are you sure you’re not ready to call?

So, there you go. Now you have no excuse J

But if you’re still not quite sure where to start… just call us.

Let’s try a test campaign – and show your stakeholders that marketing and comms have got answers and we’re doing something about it.

If there’s a simple project that we can test a new approach on, measure the results, learn, and grow, let’s do it. Because the status quo is no longer an option.

Book a no obligations FREE 30 min call now.


*Playground xyz. (2023). Sustainable Attention: How brands can optimise towards Attention Time to reduce their carbon footprint

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